Thursday, July 30, 2020

Get What You Want Out of Part-Time Work

Get What You Want Out of Part-Time Work Get What You Want Out of Part-Time Work Get What You Want Out of Part-Time Work Anybody searching for low maintenance work needs to make sense of precisely what they need and need out of it, regardless of whether it be sure days of the week, explicit hours, a specific time-based compensation or pay run whatever. Regardless of what you're searching for, finding and getting the correct low maintenance work is an entire distinctive game from looking for full-time, salaried business. Before you start your quest for low maintenance work, make an agenda of your needs. Here's a model: Can't show up on Saturday or Sunday Need medical coverage Least $12/hour Must have nearby day care When you have your needs straight, you'll realize what to ask possible managers in your journey to locate the perfect course of action. Here are a few thoughts: What days (or evenings) do they need you to work? Will you be ensured a specific number of hours every week? Is it occasional? Will you have the option to apply for benefits? What is the time-based compensation and is there space for merit increments? Would it be able to in the end lead to a full-time position? What number of days off and excursion days do they award? Make sense of how these answers fit into your own needs and desires. Managers of low maintenance positions comprehend that your prerequisites for the activity are similarly as significant as theirs, so it's alright to discover all the subtleties before you consent to a meeting (you wouldn't do this for a full-time position!). In the event that it's not what you're searching for, at that point you would prefer not to burn through your time or theirs.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

How to Be More Empathetic at Work - Hallie Crawford

How to Be More Empathetic at Work - Hallie Crawford A 2018 State of Workplace Empathy Study by Businessolver found that 96 percent of employees surveyed believed it was important for their employers to demonstrate empathy. However, 92 percent thought empathy remains undervalued. This is unfortunate because showing empathy at work helps employees and co-workers feel valued and more motivated at work and therefore impacts success! But it can be difficult with your own problems and tasks at work to, on top of that, keep up with everyone else! We understand that, however… we need you to start working on it because it’s a critical skill for your professional development and leadership strengths. Here’s the deal: Empathy is an important interpersonal skill, personally and professionally! It is the ability to understand and share someone else’s feelings, put yourself in their shoes so to speak. This is important during especially difficult times, such as the loss of a family member, an illness, or important life events such as getting married or having a child. It’s easy to sympathize or be happy alongside a co-worker or employee in these moments, especially if you have experienced something similar in your own life. But how can you regularly be more empathetic at work, during tough times as well?   Encourage open communication. Whether you are a manager or an employee who is looking to build better interpersonal skills, work at creating an atmosphere of open communication with your co-workers or employees. This will make it easier for others to feel like they can approach you if they are having difficulty at work, and give you an opportunity to help them, as a leader would. For example: A co-worker may be being bullied or harassed   An employee is looking for a mentor.   An employee wants to sharpen a skill set to advance their career.   Think about how you can help. At first glance it may seem like the best thing to do in the difficult situations listed above is to offer a few words of sympathy or encouragement and move on. However, empathy moves people to action. When you understand how someone is feeling and you have the power to do something, that feeling will move you to help your co-worker or employee. Ask yourself how you would feel in that situation. What would you like someone else to do for you? Now consider if there is something you can do for this person and if it could help them.   For example, your co-worker may need help standing up to the bully or someone to go with him to HR to file a report. Could you offer your support in that way? If your employee is looking for a mentor, could you adjust your schedule to be that mentor? Or could you help her find a mentor? Could you do some research to provide a list of classes or resources for your employee who wants to advance their career?   This doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Think about one co-worker or employee who needs a little extra support this week. Now consider how you could help him or her. If they accept your support, continue to provide it as needed. Then identify another co-worker or employee and repeat. This will help you become more empathetic in your work, making you a more effective professional and, even more so, a better leader.   Please Share This

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Retail Industry Resume Writing Services

Retail Industry Resume Writing ServicesHiring retail industry resume writing services in India can be a great way to grab more work. The world of retail is one of the most competitive industries that require a lot of hard work and dedication.A strong resume for a retailer, has the potential to boost a person's chances in securing more sales or jobs in the retail industry. Even if the job seeker is already working in the industry, it is important to have an updated resume when applying for new positions. Resumes should be fresh and unique. It should contain useful information that can be used for future interviews.The retail industry in India is one of the largest in the world. It requires specialized skills and experience. Even a beginner at the job can't hope to get the kind of offers that these positions offer.The retail industry in India is mostly dominated by locally owned businesses. New companies often have little or no experience. This can put the newcomer in a difficult posit ion.A great idea would be to develop a business plan before applying for a position in the retail industry. This will allow the applicant to determine what he or she needs to include in the resume. After deciding what type of resume is needed, it is important to begin researching the market and how other applicants have done it. The Internet is one place to look at current trends.A job applicant is well advised to check out several resumes before making a decision on a career path. Many applicants are not familiar with some of the terminology and acronyms used in the resume writing process. Finding out what is expected from the resume from the hiring manager is also helpful.It is important to know exactly what needs to be included in an industry resume. The applicant needs to be sure that all relevant education and experience are listed. If not, the best thing to do is send in a generic sample that will be accepted.A common industry format is to list experience with an organization or business, as well as the number of years of experience. There is no need to mention the name of the company. Retail industry resume writing services India are a great way to get started in the business.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Private Info on Account Executive Resume Writing That Only the Pros Know About

Private Info on Account Executive Resume Writing That Only the Pros Know About The Birth of Account Executive Resume Writing Last, the most prosperous record officials never desert the deal even once they have shut the offer. On the off chance that you have a MBA, that is an arrangement producer. At this point, you ought to show signs of improvement appreciation of the best approach to build your own resume. It's conceivable to start composing the experience from the association in which you have the experience that is significant for the activity you're applying. Set aside effort to explore the key abilities required for each unique sort of occupation which you make a resume for. On the off chance that you wish to gain a chance of Senior Accountant in a confided in association, a very much organized resume is basic for you to exhibit the point for your abilities. The 30-Second Trick for Account Executive Resume Writing Be sure that your resume doesn't sound as a work depiction. Whic hever one you select, however Don't expound on what you might want from the activity. Thus, it is generally critical to recollect that up-and-comers who fit the bill for more than 1 occupation must have a great deal of different resumes, suitably. In the occasion the activity is a not publicly known one, it is basic to inquire about on the association and the work depiction of the officeholder. On the off chance that you have a critical solicitation, if it's not too much trouble select the express delivery decision to tell your Professional Resume Writer and you will be knock to the pinnacle of the line! In case you're in a hurry, we moreover have a customized developer that will permit you to build an introductory letter rapidly. The creator may have taken some of the capabilities directly from the work leaning to verify that the application endures mechanized channels. A great deal of the thoroughly free continues which must be downloaded will enter your assertion processor so it turns out to be a lot simpler that you read it and furthermore make its absolute best utilization. The Do's and Don'ts of Account Executive Resume Writing Your Professional Resume Writer will at that point flexibly you with an absolute first draft and solicitation input on whether you need to produce any changes. Enrollment specialists simply need more an ideal opportunity to peruse long passages. A Resume or CV can furthermore have a photo connected at both of the most noteworthy corners of the absolute first page. The answer to the inquiry is subject to your essential objective by methods for your LinkedIn profile. Record Executive Resume Writing - What Is It? It is significant to feature your ability to remain client centered and oversee numerous tasks or plans simultaneously. There may be a bounty of choices yet just one will secure the position wrapped up. Using the arrangements, you will get familiar with the best approach to characterize your profoundly significant capacities , capabilities and other business resources that cause you to stick out. There are different arrangements available to form a resume. The Upside to Account Executive Resume Writing You will watch an awesome official resue test. As a business account official, you could as of now be familiar with the estimation of an elegantly composed resume, and that implies you should consider a significant favorable position having a manual for help you calibrate your own archive. Compose your official resume a solitary segment at once on the off chance that you must. Include the senior executive's name assuming there is any chance of this happening, to permit it to be close to home. Record Managers should be inventive and results-driven. On the off chance that you wish to transform into a decent Account Executive you need to endeavor to develop an incredible connection with your customers. Record administrators work as a contact between the association and its clients.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Why the Cost of Living Raise is NOT my friend by HRNasty

Why the Cost of Living Raise is NOT my friend by HRNasty Cost of Living Raise question from a reader Dont be a can of SPAM Cost of Living Raise question from a reader HRNasty, I have been working at a company for the past 4 years and the first 2 years I was here, everyone in the company got a “Cost of Living” raise.   These past 2 years, we didn’t, and I think that the company is just trying to cheat us.     My last cost of living raise was only 2.5% and that was two years ago.   I haven’t had a raise in 2 years.   The company is saying that the economy hasn’t seen enough inflation to justify a cost of living raise.   Gas is more, food is more.   How can they say there is no inflation? Thanks, Deserves A Real Increase Now Darin, Yes, at first glance, this sounds like a pretty shitty situation. That being said, lets put this into perspective. If you are collecting Social Security, there was no COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) in 2010 and 2011 because the CPI (Consumer Price Index), as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the Department of Labor, for those years did not increase above the level of the third quarter of 2008, the last year COLA was determined. Before 2010 the COLA increased every year since 1975. I realize you are not collecting Social Security, you are working.   Point taken. I provide it as a reference point. Here is how I really feel. I personally don’t believe in “cost of living” raises. I think they just promote apathy, indifference, and a passive work ethic. Just because the cost of living increases doesn’t mean that the company owes you a raise.  The reason a company should give you a raise is that you are WORTH more to the company.  If you know you are going to get a COLA for just putting in the minimum effort, why put in anything more than the minimum year after year?   You can do nothing and get a COLA and the guy next to you to you puts in 60 hours a week and only gets 4 or 5%. I get that gas, food, and clothes cost more money, but if you are not doing more for the company than when you were first hired or given your last raise, why should you be paid more?   For those of you saying “I have been with this company for 5 years”.   Just stop right there. Time with the company doesn’t mean that you are worth more.     You have had plenty of time to PROVE your worth more but you still need to repr ove it every quarter. Time may equal money, but not with your career. It may mean that you have the more institutional knowledge, but it doesn’t mean you are doing anything with it.   You gotta DO something with that knowledge. Make a Move Son! EG:   You are one of 10 people starting at a company doing job “x” and we are paying everyone 50,000 each. If we give a 3% cost of living raise every year for 5 years, at the end of those 5 years, everyone will be making $58,000.   (I get that this is a large cost of living number, but this is just a math exercise) At the end of 10 years, everyone is making $67K. If you are not adding more value, are not more efficient, or are not more productive than you were on Day 1, then how are you worth more? I might as well just get someone with the same amount of experience we hired you with 5 years ago, and save the $17,000 a year. Multiply that number times 10 employees and we are wasting 170K a year. I didn’t hear you were doing more for the company or providing more value. I heard you complain about “you”. Tell me what you did to the bottom line of your department. If you still don’t agree: If you have two cans of SPAM at the grocery store and one is miss-priced by an additional 10%, which one are you going to buy? You are not going to buy the more expensive SPAM. You are going to go to the Store Manager and ask some questions. The Same can, two different prices. Of course, you are going to pick the one that is 10% less. If there are two cans of SPAM, both the same price and one is 10% larger than the other you are going to probably buy the larger can.  If you want to be paid more, provide more value to your buyer.  Be the larger can of SPAM.  Provide more SPAM. Yes, I just called you a can of SPAM. So, this probably isnt what you want to hear. But I started this blog to tell you what I really think, and personally, I just can NOT wrap my head around a Cost of Living Raise. I can wrap my head around a raise for providing more value. If you are producing 10% more revenue, spitting out 15% more widgets, shaving time off of a work flow. . .these things are adding to the bottom-line. My advice to anyone that works is to NOT rely on the COLA because you can work yourself right out of a job and you will have a very difficult time finding a similar job with the same pay. See you at the after party, HRNasty nasty:   an unreal maneuver of incredible technique, something that is  ridiculously  good, tricky and manipulative but with a result that can’t help but be admired, a phrase used to describe someone who is good at something.   “He has a nasty forkball. If you felt this post was valuable, subscribe to weekly updates here, or “like” us on Facebook. Thank you! Share this:EmailTwitterRedditFacebookLinkedInPrintMorePinterestLike this:Like Loading... Related share HRNasty Seattle HR exec with SPRH opens the kimono to reveal and tell all in regards to what HR and your manager is really thinking and why. With this insight, you can conquer the job interview and climb the corporate ladder. It's not the candidate that is the most qualified that lands the job offer, it is the candidate that is the most prepared for the interview. previouslyDoes HR report to the CEO in your company? up Follow us 46,703 Subscribers First time visitorsFind out more hereSubscribers 46,703 Subscribe to HRNastyReceive FREE weekly updates to accelerate your career. No SPAM, I promise.